One day Lulu was in the park playing, when she saw some people doing some gymnastics practice. They were doing forward roll, backward roll, cartwheel, handstand, bridge, and a back bend. It all looked very amazing. Lulu remembered that Sally said she wanted to learn some gymnastics. And Lulu watched the people practicing gymnastics in the park.
After the people were finished practicing gymnastics, Lulu went to Sally’s home. It was time to teach Sally some gymnastics moves. Lulu showed Sally all the movements. And then it was Sally’s turn to try. The first one Sally tried was the forward roll. Sally stood in the upright position, hands reaching toward the ceiling. Then Sally bent down, tucked in her chin, rolled on the floor, and came back to a standing position. Lulu clapped her hands and smiled. Good job, Sally.
Next was the backward roll. This time Sally started by standing with a tall stance. Then Sally squatted down on her heels, sat on the floor, rolled backwards, and pushed off the ground and came back up into a standing position. Lulu clapped her hands and smiled. Good job Sally.
Next was the cartwheel. Sally stood in a tall stance, one foot in front of the other. Then Sally reached down with her hands, side by side and in line with her front leg. Then Sally kicked her back foot over her head, then kicked up her front foot. Sally landed in the lunge position, with his legs opposite of each other from when she started with one leg in the front.. Her knees were slightly bent, just a little behind the position of her toes, and her back leg was straight. Sally also kept her chin facing up. Lulu clapped her hands and smiled. Good job, Sally.
Next was a handstand. This time Sally started in a tall stance, standing with one foot in front. Then Sally reached for the ground, extending her legs to the air with her feet next to each other, and basically in an upside down position. Luu had to help Sally with this move, by holding Sally’s feet up. Then Sally put her feet down and came back to a standing position. Lulu clapped her hands and smiled. Good job, Sally.
Next was the bridge move. Sally started by laying on her back, with her hands next to her head, and her fingertips pointing toward her toes. Then Sally bent her legs and placed her feet on the floor and pushed with her arms and legs. Finally, Sally made her arms straight and pushed her head off the ground, with back bending, and her stomach pointing up to the ceiling. Lulu smiled and clapped her hands. Good job, Sally.
Last was the back bend kickover. Sally started this time by standing with her arms straight up by her head. Then she looked up at her hands and started to bend backwards just like in a letter U shape with her body, until her hands touched the ground. After Sally got to this point, she kicked her legs over her head, and landed on her feet with one foot in front of her and the other foot behind her. Lulu smiled and clapped her hands. Good job, Sally.
That was a lot of gymnastics moves that Sally learned to do with Lulu’s help. There was the forward roll, backward roll, cartwheel, handstand, bridge, and back bend kickover. After doing all that Lulu knew that Sally must be tired. Then Lulu said goodbye to Sally and went home. When Lulu arrived at home, she was tired and ready for a nap. Lulu laid down and went to sleep, slowly slowly slowly.